Adopting BIM for highway infrastructure

DEGES and EIBS were supported by Thinkproject whilst introducing BIM into their planning phases.

BIM Pilotproject B187n


EIBS GmbH was commissioned by DEGES during planning for upgrades to the B178n highway. The works compromised new construction of the three-strip gap closure between the BAB 4 AS Weißenberg and the connection to the B178n, totaling approx. 5.5 km.

Building Information Modeling (BIM) was piloted for the planning, with BIM coordination carried out by GSP Network GmbH. The team wanted to gain experience using BIM as a new planning method whilst ensuring compliance with the latest BIM standards.

approx. 5,8 km

total length

approx. 70 Mio. €

total costs


Collaboration with all specialist planners involved in the project was required on a three-dimensional level. With the level of information generated by the project, all information from all parties needed to be handled on a single platform.

Construction professionals using a tablet


In Thinkproject Virtual Design & Construction Manager, all information is combined for easy evaluation and comparisons. With built in compliance, teams can work with the knowledge that they are adhering to best practices from the latest regulations and standards.


After completion of work phase 3, BIM had reportedly improved communication between asset owners, contractors and stakeholders. Using a comprehensive coordination model enabled project participants to better understand the needs and concerns of other parties involved in the planning process.

The project teams embarked on robust preparation and structuring based on viewpoints in the coordination model, meaning easier onboarding of users.

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