Invoice management and document management with Thinkproject

Börseplatz 1


The former K.K. Telegrafen Centrale is a listed building, originally conceived by architect Winterhalder and builder Kaiser in 1872, with further extensions added by architect Fassbender, completed in 1907. The Italian Renaissance-inspired design and imposing stature (four storeys high) made it an easily recognisable landmark of the Vienna landscape. Originally used as a communications hub, with approx. 800 civil servants working inside, the building is undergoing a new lease of life.

In 2019, after extensive revitalisation work, this historic building will enter its new phase as a residential complex. Made up of 39 privately financed freehold apartments, development company Börseplatz 1 aims to restore the building with historical accuracy.


As with any project involving a listed building, there are unique challenges to solve that new builds would not face. Whilst working with the Federal Monuments Office a thorough catalogue of measures was drawn up to ensure historical accuracy and the integrity of the building remained. This included main components of the build such as the façade, to what type of materials could be used.

Naturally, every step of the revitalisation works needed to be approved and pass inspection bodies, which entails an admin-heavy process that takes consideration and effort.


The project team at Börseplatz 1 have found a workable solution with Document & Communication Management (FORMS & PROCESSES) alongside the business intelligence application Crystal Report. With Thinkproject’s invoice and special request capabilities, the approval and verification processes are helping digitise and largely accelerate the lengthy approval processes. By assigning rights within Thinkproject, the access of the participating companies can be precisely defined.


Incoming invoices are automatically recorded, recognised in Thinkproject and forwarded via workflows to the correct processors for invoice verification. This process also included a Crystal Report. The invoice data integrates and updates dynamically and can be printed as a PDF file directly from the platform.

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