Supporting the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link rail connection

DB Netz utilise drawing and document management with Thinkproject for large infrastructure project

Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link rail connection


The Fehmarnbelt Tunnel is currently Denmark’s largest infrastructure project, and one of the largest in Europe. Connecting Germany and Denmark, the 18km tunnel will be used by both rail and road traffic, replacing lengthy ferry journeys. Once complete, the tunnel will be world’s longest rail and road tunnel and shorten travel time across the strait from 45 minutes to just 10 minutes.

The Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link rail is one of the most important projects for the development of the north-south axis of the trans-European transport network, which extends from Finland to Sicily. For the German route, DB Netz AG are committed to providing an efficient road and rail link.

This major project has extensive works planned, including construction of 64 bridges, 7 stops, 5 motorway connections, 26km of noise protection walls, and is estimated to include 6.5 million m³ of earthmoving.

160 km


55 km

new construction

30 km

extension of existing road

172 km

catenary infrastructure

  • "Thinkproject is a very reliable partner for us, which makes it easier for us to solve many tasks in the daily project routine. Thus, drawing management is not an additional task for our project engineers, but a central tool that you do not want to miss in your daily work."
    Bernd Homfeldt
    Project Manager, Fehmarbelt Fixed Link project


The Fehmarnbelt Tunnel project involves different countries working simultaneously on many large, complex works. Therefore, it is imperative that all teams can coordinate and stay compliant with regulations. This is no different for the fixed link rail work, where multiple drawings and documents must be signed off for works can be started.

Construction professionals using a tablet


Thinkproject supports many aspects of the Fehmarnbelt Tunnel project, also including the rail link with DB Netz AG. With Document & Communication Management, the planning phases have utilised Thinkproject’s objection management capabilities in the planning approval procedure.

Working with DB Netz AG, all planning approval sections have their own defined, tailor-made workflows for inspection processes. These workflows control the complex inspection process with full automation.


Even the most complex workflows can be automated within Thinkproject. All parties can now check and sign off on documents promptly, with checks from specialists done in parallel, reducing downtime. Coupled with Thinkproject’s redlining functionality, revisions can be made easily.

Project teams are also able to transfer drawing documents to the Federal Railway Authority with a qualified digital signature, or request a signature all within the platform, leaving a comprehensive audit trail.

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