Sha Tau Kok Sewage Treatment Works
This contract is a multi-disciplinary contract which comprises a wide range of construction activities including construction of a temporary sewage treatment plant (TSTP), permanent sewage treatment works, submarine outfall and village sewers.

The contract faces a range of challenges. Firstly is to construct TSTP in a limited footprint within the existing sewage treatment plant. Before any decommissioning and demolition works of the existing plant, the TSTP has to be built and commissioned satisfactorily.
Another challenge is that the incoming flow will soon reach the design capacity of the existing plant. The TSTP must be fast tracked and ready in place within 18 months from the starting date. In such a tight timeframe, it is vital for the project team including the Employer, Project Manager and the Contractor to build collaborative relations for implement the contract smoothly. The project team would also need to have a clear oversight of the risks and work closely for solutions in order to deliver the project successfully.

Transparent and co-operative exchange of information in all matters relating to the contract is important to embody the mutual trust and cooperation spirit in providing the works smoothly. DSD together with the Project Manger’s Representatives – Black & Veatch Hong Kong Limited and the Contractor – Build King – Kum Shing Joint Venture decided to adopt Commercial & Contract Management (CONTRACTS) mainly for the daily NEC workflow management including issuance of Early Warnings, Proposed Instruction/Change Decision and Compensation Events.
Thinkproject provides control over governance through permissions, user threshold settings and internal approval workflows, allowing delegation of actions and events under the contract. It simplifies the NEC contract management and provides clarity for the Employer, Project Manager and the Contractor with real time overviews of project risks, early warnings and actions required. This enhances open and effective communication among the project parties, with any contractual correspondence available at a click of a button.
Dashboard analysis also provides an overview of the project performance enabling easy reporting of progress to key stakeholders, keeping the works on-track and up-to-date.
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