Complex bridge renovation & construction

Complex infrastructure project uses Thinkproject to keep bridge network operating

Strombrückenzug: The Magdeburg bridges


Strombrückenzug is the name given to the three bridges that cross the Stromble (Neue Strombrücke bridge), Alte Elbe (Anna-Ebert-Brücke bridge) and Zollelbe (Zollbrücke bridge) rivers. Discussions have been ongoing for many years to construct an additional bridge, and to upgrade the existing bridges which have been in operation for decades, some from the 1800s.

In 2013, the Anna Ebert Brücke was irreversibly damaged due to flooding, speeding up the decision for upgrades and new construction. In addition to the replacement of the pylon bridge, works also include renovation of the Neue Strombrücke, and the construction of a new bridge over the Zollelbe as a framework structure. Anna Ebert Brücke’s replacement will be a flood-proof pylon bridge. As well as connecting local transport from Ostelbien to the city centre, it also carries large volumes of traffic from the surrounding areas through the state capital.


bridge replacements


bridge renovation


With the scope of the upgrades and new construction, many tasks are being carried out simultaneously. With the consortium consisting of many teams from different companies, it is important that all participants have a structured, defined way of working that keeps accuracy and collaboration at the forefront of the project.

Construction professionals using a tablet


Thinkproject Document & Communication Management was chosen so that the entire drawing management process could be handled within a central platform.

The platform approach benefits all teams from the consortium, where processes and documents are presented transparently and data can be accessed, updated or amended at any time, from any place.

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