Invoice management and document management with Thinkproject
In Carinthia, Austria the Süd Autobahn (A2) runs from Vienna to the Italy border. It is one of Austria’s longest motorways. ASFiNAG were tasked with the renovation of this valuable infrastructure, including updating the Klagenfurt north bypass; the Falkenberg, Lendorf and Ehrentalerberg tunnels, as well as two underpasses. Amongst the rejuvenation works carried out were new ventilation systems, video detection, emergency call systems, and well as lighting and radio facilities.
Impressively, A2 remained operational and open to the public during all works carried out, which were completed in 2018.

For large projects such as the A2 tunnel chain, due to unforeseen issues on-site, it may be necessary to carry out additional works, which can become a significant cost factor. According to ÖNORM B2110, this work must be ordered or approved by the client. For this reason, a considerable amount of admin may arrive at the client in the course of a project.
ASFINAG also used the versatility of Thinkproject for this project. Document & Communication Management can be individually adapted and expanded upon at any time they are in use. DOCUMENTS, FORMS & PROCESSES, DEFECTS, and COSTS are handled within this central platform.

In this ASFINAG project, suppliers submitted their applications directly via Thinkproject. These are automatically forwarded from there to the respective administrator of ASFINAG. As soon as there is a positive decision about the application, the control reports for the supplier are released. The supplier informs about these reports when they had carried out the works. ASFINAG thus has a transparent and structured documentation of the decisions taken, the resulting and performed directing works and their costs.
80 mio Euro
approximate construction volume
21.3 km
of tunnels
Thinkproject - The built asset lifecycle platform