Digialisation supports mega infrastructure project VDE 8
Unstrut Bridge successfully implemented Document & Communication Management
Completed in 2014, the 2.668m Unstrut Bridge is the second longest bridge in Deutsche Bahn’s network, constructed in the Unstrut valley and connecting Bibra Tunnel and Osterberg Tunnel.
Unstrut Bridge is part of the VDE 8 (Germany Unity Transport Project no.8) works, which is Germany’s largest rail project. VDE 8 is a large-scale infrastructure project spanning 515 km between Nuremberg, Erfurt, Halle (Saale), Leipzig and Berlin.
bridge length
project start
project completion
40 million Euro
project total
Bridge construction can be challenging, with terrain, materials and safety all paramount to successful construction. Disruption to nearby residents needed to be kept to a minimum whilst also planning and building speedily.
Thinkproject has successfully supported all VDE 8 projects with Document & Communication Management, providing a complete overview of the whole project, as well as additional overviews for each sub-project. Drawing and document management have proved useful for project participants, helping reduce delays and stay on budget.
ARGE and its partners handle the entire drawing approval process via individual workflows from Thinkproject. The Federal Railway Authority is integrated into the approval process with an interface and a qualified digital signature.