
The 3 Conditions for BIM

An often-frustrating scenario for companies can be aligning the ‘north star’ goals of the business with how employees are planning to get there.

Differing points of view, strategies and misunderstandings are always guaranteed along the way. Sound familiar? BIM can offer a solution.

With successful implementation of BIM adhering to clearly laid-out rules, goals become a reality. Read on to find out our three conditions for successful BIM implementation in AECO:

1. Standardise tasks and processes

It is a fact that the number of participating companies in construction projects varies considerably during the lifecycle of a project. In such a dynamic environment it is important to keep an overview- which is also the biggest challenge, leading to the importance of standardising tasks and processes.

This means that organisations must look critically at internal processes to determine where there are opportunities for automation and digitisation. In this way – regardless of which architectural firm makes the design – an approval always takes place. Signatures are required in a specific order and you can fully automate this process. Furthermore, you can also digitise the information, in this case the document with the signatures.

In short: project teams can standardise more than they think. The result is more insight, overview and transparency. Ultimately teams (and their collaborators) can set up unambiguous business processes that make work more efficient and minimise errors and failure costs whilst optimising cash flows and maintaining or increasing your competitive advantage.

2. Analyse data

The great thing about standardisation is that there is already a wealth of data in a fairly short period of time. By analysing this data, you can gain insight into the past and future of the project. The next step is to analyse why certain events happen during the project. What are the similarities, differences and (possible) triggers?

To collect and analyse this data, one central platform is needed. Here the tasks, processes, planning, administration and communication come together from the different systems of different partners. This central platform converts all meta-data into findings and presents it in a clear dashboard.

3. Optimise process

Analyses make it possible to predict with certainty what will happen in the future if nothing changes. You can respond to this prediction and thus somewhat control the future. In short, you now know which processes you need to improve, optimise, automate and digitise.

The result? You can let your organisation put their team’s time and resources at the forefront, ensuring project teams are able to work more effectively and efficiently.

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