

Integrated BIM Quality Management

BIM provides countless advantages in construction projects in improving design quality by quickly eliminating conflicts and reducing rework. The core element of BIM is the centralisation of information. The level of centralisation is the broad factor differentiating different types of BIM. Centralization of data improves quality assurance processes by making it easier to deploy clash detection measures and cross-check designs across disciplines. Common data environment (CDE) is a central repository where construction project information is housed and the contents are not limited to assets created in a ‘BIM environment’. It will therefore include documentation, graphical model and non-graphical assets. In using a single source of information collaboration between project members should be enhanced, mistakes reduced and duplication avoided.

The presentation shows integrated quality management processes by bridging the gaps among different BIM software applications and CDE in seamless workflows.


Serdar Basdemir, Presales Consultant BIM, Thinkproject


  • BIM Collaboration
  • BIM Management
  • Quality Management
  • Information Management
  • Model Checking
  • Issue/Ticket Management

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