Upscale your data across the full lifecycle of the built asset

Decarbonising the future through digital technologies

Learn the right levels of insight and expertise to elevate projects to a higher level of sustainability and efficiency.


For owners, stakeholders, contractors and developers: learn the right levels of insight and expertise to elevate projects to a higher level of sustainability and efficiency.

Learn about the latest Thinkproject technology solutions for the built asset lifecycle to unlock the potential of data seamlessly across the entire asset lifecycle. Gain knowledge from experts on their real-world experience with the power of Thinkproject to give customers digital solutions that allow teams to collaborate and gain a competitive edge.

We will be exploring the benefits of Power BI reporting in Thinkproject, highlighting its potential to streamline processes and enhance efficiency. As well as this, we will be unveiling the advantages of reporting using Snowflake data, backed by a compelling client case study illustrating real-world outcomes.

What did we cover?

  • Current progress to Net Zero goal in the Middle East
  • Middle East projects empowered by Thinkproject technology
  • Onsite field management with Thinkproject


Stay to the end to hear an engaging question and answer session, enabling participants to seek clarification and gain valuable insights.

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