
Child walking next to orange structure

Supporting Rethink Food

Remove hunger as a barrier for learning

Giving back to our local communities is extremely important to us at Thinkproject, whether this is by volunteering, donating or supporting initiatives. We are proud to have our own employee engagement team within the business who are helping to shape how we offer support, both internally and externally.

We are delighted to have partnered with Rethink Food, a UK-based not for profit company who are dedicating their time and expertise to educating children and their families about food and sustainable at-home growing, all using the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.



Rethink Food logo

Tackling food poverty

The UK has one of the highest food poverty rates in Europe, with the Covid-19 lockdowns worsening the situation for many schoolchildren who rely on school lunches for a substantial meal. According to the Trussel Trust, there has been a 128% increase in food bank usage in the last five years and almost 1-million emergency food parcels have been required for children in need during 20/21.

This unfortunate situation has a knock-on effect in children’s lives, from concentrating in school, staying on top of homework, partaking in hobbies and activities to relationships between families.

These are some of the reasons we reached out to Rethink Food to see how we could help.

With our support, the organisation has been able to support two schools local to our Gloucestershire office, where the school can now have regular workshops and visits from the Rethink Food team.

With workshops and educational sessions, the school children are learning about nutrition and cooking that can lead to a lifetime of knowledge. Alongside this, the schools in question have also been supplied a growing tower, with the children able to plant and tend to their own garden, as well as take the produce home to cook with their families.

We will keep you updated on this fantastic initiative and how our local schools are enjoying their Rethink Food experience in future updates!

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At Thinkproject we believe that being a diverse company - that takes measures for more inclusion - is the key to success. It is deeply rooted in our company DNA, our culture as well as our values. Diverse teams strengthen companies in that new information and perspectives are tied to innovation, which is vital to create better products for our customers.

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