People in an office through a glass door


Unlock potential for a better world

think equality. think opportunity.

People are the most important part of creating positive change. From our own people to our wider communities, we are committed to improving the lives of others through practices in our own company and through to initiatives we support externally.

Two people in an office looking at a computer

In our company

For us, it is important that our people have a safe, inclusive environment to grow and develop.

We also value ideas and innovation that come from our team to help steer Thinkproject on initiatives in order to be more sustainable.

Multicultural team
Lifelong learning
Feedback channels
Wellbeing initiatives

Progressing people

Thinkproject intersects at two sectors where diversity & inclusion are crucial for success. By being committed to our diversity & inclusion initiatives and policies, we hope to showcase and uplift diversity in the software and construction industries, inspiring the next generation into the fields.

Equal opportunities

We integrate remote working and flexible hours to ensure our people can balance work with their other responsibilities.


We have a responsibility for supporting our team when they need it. We are committed to destigmatising mental and physical struggles when they arise.

Whistleblower portal

We have anonymous channels where our people can report any experiences that are not in-line with our code of conduct.

Supporting local & global communities

Each of our locations are empowered to manage efforts to benefit their local communities through volunteer days or fundraising activities. We also act fast during global crises with our people informed every step of the way.

How we make a difference


Our teams have the skills and dedication and we offer the time they need to put these into practice for good causes.


Our fundraising initiatives range from food drives to fun runs. We collaborate with our team to ensure they have both the funds and time necessary for success.


Whether it involves donating funds or resources, through our employee-led committees, we are able to give back regularly.

News from Thinkproject

Sustainability at Thinkproject