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BUILDER magazine feature

Choosing your perfect CDE software

BUILDER is a leading Polish magazine for construction, architecture and business, which has been on the market for over 20 years. It is a media platform integrating the construction industry, business, finance and science.

The latest issue of BUILDER magazine includes the IT&BIM section where you will find Thinkproject’s article on choosing the right CDE for your project.

CDE requirements can differ from project to industry, so choosing the best fit Common Data Environment is important for success.

In the article we explain what is the CDE solution and answer the most frequently asked questions by our customers. You can read the Polish article by clicking below, we hope you enjoy reading!

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Choosing a CDE

The CDE is a valued and often necessary addition to any AECO project. From supporting BIM to handling huge amounts of data efficiently, the benefits have been discussed many times before. But what CDE is right for your project?


What to look for in your CDE provider

Picking the wrong CDE could cost you time, money, and significantly slow down your construction project. It’s important to understand your needs before making a selection.